Perspective: the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point; particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view; true understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion.

I named this blog Perspectives, because I think it might just be what God is growing in me. Slowly but surely, giving me a correct understanding of myself, and by His sweet grace, shifting my perspective away from the slavery of self onto the beauty of Jesus. I hope to have a “true understanding of the relative importance of things”—a right find that place of freedom. These posts will hopefully all point back to gaining a truer and better perspective.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Learning about a gracious God in Orlando...

This season of life has brought me back to the home away from home…Orlando. “Hotlando,” as I like to call it. I was really nervous going into this summer, not knowing what it would be like and not feeling super excited about it. Little did I know just how GRACIOUS He was being to me…I feel so cared and thought for!!! Why would I have ever thought any differently?!

Here's a few of many...

1.    Community…24/7… friends to talk to and gain perspective from.
2.    Waking up to emails from Nate
3.    our staff team! such a fun group of people to be around. being with them doesn't feel like work. 
4.    the Celebration gym…Best. Gym. Ever.
5.    digging in the Word with students. Incredible. They have such fresh eyes!!
6.    getting to sit by the pool and read a good story
7.    baby Hart… he’s so awesome and smiley
8.    flowers… passing by them sitting pretty on the table
9.    learning new pasta salad recipes
10. living with “Linda,” a constant encouragement, and praying with her at night
11. morning prayer. students grouped to ask God for big things.
12. hangouts with Megan and Lindsey, missing the other 3 world travelers, and our email thread.
13. lighting a candle and Acoustic Guitar Radio in the room
14. prank calls after hours, laughing in hysteria!
15. the sweetness of God’s word and what He has shown me in…
--Psalm 62…the slight but important difference in vs. 1 and 5
--Romans 8:31-32…God is FOR US
--Job 26:14…the thunder of His power!!
16. Coffee in the mornings. and Starbucks. no matter where I am, there’s a Starbucks!
17. Face time. And iPhones. iPhones are the BEST. text messages that travel across the world!
18. the thankfulness mirror in our room, slowly covering up the “mirror of vanity”
19. phone calls from my Momma and Poppa
20. The Orlando sunsets…absolutely breathtaking!
21. girls night with Meg, Betsy, Tiffany, Linds, and the Team Leaders
22. Field day…aka the Hunger Games.  
23. the Dwiggins being here and getting to spend time with them
24. Sunday night meetings and the things I am learning through the talks
25. City Church and the preaching there. showing us how much Exodus points to Jesus. and the worship there.
26. Grady’s talk on God the Father, looking at John 3:16-17
27. Dressing up for project socials
28. The ways I have been so loved and encouraged in such specific ways by the UNC girls, and the sweet gift from my D group
29. Naps at 11pm in order to stay up past curfew
30. Getting to see the UNC disciple girls grow in knowing God! on the table

#27...old women at the Walmart

#24 Sunday night theme meetings

#28...the sweet gift from my D group

#22...Effie and Seneca

#17...Facetime with this guy

#9...pasta salad!

#18...the thankfulness mirror

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